The Way It Goes

Who would’ve ever guessed that three months after my certification exam, creating this website, and starting to build my personal training business that I would tear my ACL in half on a trampoline during a family vacation?? Even worse, on the plane ride home from Florida to Michigan, I developed a deep vein thrombosis that could have killed me and I couldn’t walk, work, or drive for three months.


A pandemic of biblical proportions sent my two kids home from school, shut my job down, and denied my access to health care for my knee injury. I had no choice but to become my own personal trainer, AGAIN. I worked on my recovery on my own at home for an entire year before I was able to return to my old workouts.

But I’m back! Life works in mysterious ways, teaching us lessons we sometimes didn’t care to learn. Now that chapter is over.

Starting today, I am beginning this journey anew, and I will never decline an invitation to dance…. EVER again. Join me!


Sometimes… okay most times…. in life we get thrown curveballs. Everything around us doesn’t always go the way we plan. Thinking of the week ahead on Sunday isn’t usually the way it ends up on Tuesday. Sometimes the kids won’t leave us alone and we feel like we are being pulled in ten different directions. Being a full-time working mom, I know how hard it can be to find time for yourself! I think that sometimes we get overwhelmed with too many things and feel like we just HAVE to put ourselves on the back burner. That is never the answer!

You cannot take care of your family for decades to come if you don’t take care of yourself today. Whether you have to exercise before everyone else gets up, on your lunch hour, after work, before dinner, or after bedtime, you have to get it done. You have to let your family know that you are putting your health on the front burner. They will not go hungry, and those dishes aren’t going anywhere, either.

Remain flexible, whatever life throws your way, and know that when obstacles pop up that is just another opportunity for you to build your strength.

Finding your WHY...

My WHY has kept me going when I wanted to quit, more times than I can count. Starting a health journey can feel overwhelming, which is why you need to start with your why. Your why will be your driving force, too. Whether your why is your future self, your health, your body image or self-esteem, your children or grandchildren, an upcoming special event, or a calling to live your best life RIGHT NOW, let's work together to find your why. As your health coach, I will be here to remind you of your why when things get hard. Your why will push you through the difficult times and help you crush your goals!!

My WHY is my heart, which beats with the incredible strength passed down to me from my mom, who taught me how to love!